The video of my talk from Wicked Good Ruby Conf in Boston is online.
A well-designed DSL improves programmer productivity and communication with domain experts. The Ruby community has produced a number of very popular external DSLs—Coffeescript, HAML, SASS, and Cucumber to name a few.
Parslet makes it easy to write these kinds of DSLs in pure Ruby. In this talk you’ll learn the basics, feel out the limitations of several approaches and find some common solutions. In no time, you’ll have the power to make a great new DSL, slurp in obscure file formats, modify or fork other people’s grammars (like Gherkin, TOML, or JSON), or even write your own programming language!
It is is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0. I owe a big thank-you to Confreaks and Wicked Good Ruby Conf for making it available online.